Romero Family Farm

Our Family

Fernando and Bonnette Romero moved from Fresno, California to San Antonio, Texas along with their 4 children (David, F. Elijah, Mariah, and Isaiah) in 2004. While in San Antonio and after one more child was born (Liah), they felt the desire to get out of the city. The boys were getting older and needed space to run, play, throw rocks, and explore without getting into trouble. In 2007 we found this beautiful 27-acre plot just outside Devine, Texas and fell in love. The property was raw land, which meant there were no utilities on the property. We were starting from scratch. We moved into a 27-foot travel trailer and started our journey to create a small family farm. Over the next 5 years we built fences, and a chicken coop, a garden, cattle pens, cleared mesquite trees and fence lines. The work was very hard but also very rewarding. We learned about cows, and chickens, pigs, goats, coyotes, javelinas, wild hogs, bobcats, rattlesnakes, bull snakes, gardening, trees, sticker burrs and much more.
Romero Family Rules
You can name the female animals a real name (i.e. Jessica),
but the male animals get a food name (i.e. T-bone). - Take the crown off and kill that bug.
- Don’t get too attached to the animals because you will eat them someday.
- Experience is more than talk.
- If we can’t afford the equipment, Dad will make something that works.
- You will work hard.
- Don’t be afraid to ask for help
- Many hands make light work
- If you can’t do it in front of your parents don’t do it at all.
- Sweat equity has a lot of value
- The words "I can't" do not exist.